Messy Excel Files

So, as I discussed last time, the first big hurdle in starting to explore the domestic dry bean market data was overcoming the terror of working with a bunch of really messy, really gnarly excel files.

The main one looks like this:

Lots of problems, right? The data are in multiple sheets in a single workbook, they’re not uniform, etc. It’s an R-user’s nightmare, but the reality is that data often look like this. So let’s get to work.

A brief point - here is the type of data we can expect from this workbook:

  • year
  • month
  • day
  • class (type of bean or variety)
  • price

Step 1. Reading in the data

First things first, let’s load up some useful packages

## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built under R version 3.5.1

We’ll use the handy functions in readxl and XLConnect to read in the the excel sheets and then use tidyverse to do a bunch of stuff to them to clean them up.

All files can be found at my github repo for this project.

Download the appropriate files to your local working directory - and you’re ready to go.

Let’s read in the data with readxl’s loadWorkbook function (if you were better at making the RCurl package work than I am, you could pull it directly from my GitHub too):

#Loading Workbooks
dealer_price = loadWorkbook(file = 
#Remember your directory will be different

#Turning workbook into a list
dealer_price_list = readWorksheet(dealer_price, sheet = getSheets(dealer_price))

#Lots of errors with this, but don't worry. 

#Looks good...lots of NAs, but there is data in there. 
head(dealer_price_list[[1]], n = 20)
## Col2
## 1  Source: USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service, Bean Market News <NA>
## 2                                                   Last Updated: <NA>
## 3                                                            <NA> <NA>
## 4                                                            <NA> <NA>
## 5               Table 42--U.S. dry bean f.ob. dealer prices, 1981 <NA>
## 6                                                            <NA> <NA>
## 7                                                           Month  Day
## 8                                                            <NA> <NA>
## 9                                                            <NA> <NA>
## 10                                                                <NA>
## 11                                                           <NA> <NA>
## 12                                                              1    6
## 13                                                              1   13
## 14                                                              1   20
## 15                                                              1   27
## 16                                                              2    3
## 17                                                              2   10
## 18                                                              2   18
## 19                                                              2   24
## 20                                                              3    3
##              Col3     Col4  Col5  Col6  Col7            Col8  Col9
## 1            <NA>     <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>            <NA>  <NA>
## 2   June 23, 1989     <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>            <NA>  <NA>
## 3            <NA>     <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>            <NA>  <NA>
## 4            <NA>     <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>            <NA>  <NA>
## 5            <NA>     <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>            <NA>  <NA>
## 6            <NA>     <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>            <NA>  <NA>
## 7           Pinto    Great  Pink Small  Navy            Baby Large
## 8            <NA> Northern  <NA>   Red  <NA>            Lima  Lima
## 9            <NA>     <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>            <NA>  <NA>
## 10           <NA>     <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA> Dollars per Cwt  <NA>
## 11           <NA>     <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>            <NA>  <NA>
## 12          32.00    31.75 31.75 36.25 27.25           27.75 38.50
## 13          32.75    32.25 31.50 36.50 29.25           34.00 38.00
## 14          35.50    33.25 34.00 36.50 30.00           36.00 37.50
## 15          35.25    33.75 33.88 35.75 30.50           38.50 37.50
## 16          35.25    34.25 34.50 36.00 30.75           39.50 38.00
## 17          34.75    34.25 34.50 36.50 31.25           39.50 39.50
## 18          35.00    35.50 34.50 36.75 31.75           40.50 40.50
## 19          35.00    35.50 34.50 36.75 31.75           41.50 40.50
## 20          34.25    35.25 34.25 36.25 32.88           44.50 40.50
##       Col10 Col11  Col12    Col13 Col14
## 1      <NA>  <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 2      <NA>  <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 3      <NA>  <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 4      <NA>  <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 5      <NA>  <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 6      <NA>  <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 7  Blackeye Small Kidney Garbanzo  <NA>
## 8      <NA> White   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 9      <NA>  <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 10     <NA>  <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 11     <NA>  <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 12    26.75 33.25  31.50    37.00  <NA>
## 13    27.25 33.25  32.00    37.00  <NA>
## 14    28.50 33.50  32.75    37.00  <NA>
## 15    30.50 33.50  34.00    37.00  <NA>
## 16    31.00 33.50  34.25    37.50  <NA>
## 17    31.50 34.00  34.25    37.50  <NA>
## 18    31.25 34.25  34.50    37.50  <NA>
## 19    31.75 34.75  34.50    40.00  <NA>
## 20    32.75 34.75  34.25    41.00  <NA>

Great! Now we have a list of the data from each year (where each item in the list is a dataframe of market data for different types of beans for each year).

If we look through all the dataframes in our list - there is a bunch of junk at the top of each one we need to get rid of. Let’s use the handy {r} lapply function for this.

#Bunch of garbage on the top of every data frame - need to iterate through the list and delete the first 11 rows
dealer_price_list = lapply(dealer_price_list, function(x) x[-c(1:11),])
head(dealer_price_list[[1]], n = 20)
## Col2
## 12                                                              1    6
## 13                                                              1   13
## 14                                                              1   20
## 15                                                              1   27
## 16                                                              2    3
## 17                                                              2   10
## 18                                                              2   18
## 19                                                              2   24
## 20                                                              3    3
## 21                                                              3   10
## 22                                                              3   17
## 23                                                              3   24
## 24                                                              3   31
## 25                                                              4    7
## 26                                                              4   14
## 27                                                              4   21
## 28                                                              4   28
## 29                                                              5    5
## 30                                                              5   12
## 31                                                              5   19
##     Col3  Col4  Col5  Col6  Col7  Col8  Col9 Col10 Col11 Col12 Col13 Col14
## 12 32.00 31.75 31.75 36.25 27.25 27.75 38.50 26.75 33.25 31.50 37.00  <NA>
## 13 32.75 32.25 31.50 36.50 29.25 34.00 38.00 27.25 33.25 32.00 37.00  <NA>
## 14 35.50 33.25 34.00 36.50 30.00 36.00 37.50 28.50 33.50 32.75 37.00  <NA>
## 15 35.25 33.75 33.88 35.75 30.50 38.50 37.50 30.50 33.50 34.00 37.00  <NA>
## 16 35.25 34.25 34.50 36.00 30.75 39.50 38.00 31.00 33.50 34.25 37.50  <NA>
## 17 34.75 34.25 34.50 36.50 31.25 39.50 39.50 31.50 34.00 34.25 37.50  <NA>
## 18 35.00 35.50 34.50 36.75 31.75 40.50 40.50 31.25 34.25 34.50 37.50  <NA>
## 19 35.00 35.50 34.50 36.75 31.75 41.50 40.50 31.75 34.75 34.50 40.00  <NA>
## 20 34.25 35.25 34.25 36.25 32.88 44.50 40.50 32.75 34.75 34.25 41.00  <NA>
## 21 34.25 35.50 34.25 36.12 33.00 49.50 39.75 33.50 35.50 34.25 41.00  <NA>
## 22 34.25 35.75 34.25 36.75 34.50 50.50 39.50 33.50 36.75 34.25 41.00  <NA>
## 23 34.50 36.00 35.50 36.00 34.75 50.50 39.50 33.50 37.50 34.25 41.50  <NA>
## 24 34.50 37.00 35.50 36.25 34.75 51.75 39.00 33.25 37.75 34.25 41.50  <NA>
## 25 34.88 38.00 36.25 35.75 34.50 52.00 39.00 33.25 38.00 34.25 41.00  <NA>
## 26 36.25 38.25 36.25 36.00 34.75 51.75 39.25 33.25 38.00 34.25 42.00  <NA>
## 27 36.25 38.25 36.50 36.00 34.75 51.75 39.00 33.25 38.00 34.25 43.50  <NA>
## 28 36.25 38.50 36.50 36.00 36.25 51.75 38.50 33.00 38.50 34.00 44.00  <NA>
## 29 37.00 38.50 36.75 36.00 40.50 51.50 38.50 32.75 42.50 34.00 44.00  <NA>
## 30 38.75 38.75 37.50 36.00 44.50 51.50 38.50 32.75 52.25 34.25 44.50  <NA>
## 31 43.50 39.25 38.50 37.50 46.25 51.50 38.50 32.75 52.50 35.00 44.50  <NA>

Ok, now it gets gnarly.
Here is the problem - not all data frames have the same variables, and it looks like variable names are hidden somewhere down in each dataframe.
I ended up going through each data frame manually - obviously this doesn’t scale super well - and is laborious, but I couldn’t come up with a clever way to automate this, but here is an example of the type of code I used:

## Observations: 80
## Variables: 14
## $ <chr> ...
## $ Col2                                                           <chr> ...
## $ Col3                                                           <chr> ...
## $ Col4                                                           <chr> ...
## $ Col5                                                           <chr> ...
## $ Col6                                                           <chr> ...
## $ Col7                                                           <chr> ...
## $ Col8                                                           <chr> ...
## $ Col9                                                           <chr> ...
## $ Col10                                                          <chr> ...
## $ Col11                                                          <chr> ...
## $ Col12                                                          <chr> ...
## $ Col13                                                          <chr> ...
## $ Col14                                                          <chr> ...
## Col2
## 12                                                              1    6
## 13                                                              1   13
## 14                                                              1   20
## 15                                                              1   27
## 16                                                              2    3
## 17                                                              2   10
## 18                                                              2   18
## 19                                                              2   24
## 20                                                              3    3
## 21                                                              3   10
## 22                                                              3   17
## 23                                                              3   24
## 24                                                              3   31
## 25                                                              4    7
## 26                                                              4   14
## 27                                                              4   21
## 28                                                              4   28
## 29                                                              5    5
## 30                                                              5   12
## 31                                                              5   19
## 32                                                              5   27
## 33                                                              6    2
## 34                                                              6    9
## 35                                                              6   16
## 36                                                              6   23
## 37                                                              6   30
## 38                                                              7    7
## 39                                                              7   14
## 40                                                              7   21
## 41                                                              7   28
## 42                                                              8    4
## 43                                                              8   11
## 44                                                              8   18
## 45                                                              8   25
## 46                                                              9    1
## 47                                                              9    9
## 48                                                              9   15
## 49                                                              9   22
## 50                                                              9   29
## 51                                                             10    6
## 52                                                             10   14
## 53                                                             10   20
## 54                                                             10   27
## 55                                                             11    3
## 56                                                             11   10
## 57                                                             11   17
## 58                                                             11   24
## 59                                                             12    1
## 60                                                             12    8
## 61                                                             12   16
## 62                                                             12   22
## 63                                                             12   29
## 64                                                                <NA>
## 65                                                              =    =
## 66                                                           <NA> <NA>
## 67                                                           <NA> <NA>
## 68                                                           <NA> <NA>
## 69                    Monthly Average Dry Bean Prices, $/cwt 1981 <NA>
## 70                                                              -    -
## 71                                                          Month <NA>
## 72                                                              -    -
## 73                                                           <NA> <NA>
## 74                                                           <NA> <NA>
## 75                                                            Jan <NA>
## 76                                                            Feb <NA>
## 77                                                            Mar <NA>
## 78                                                            Apr <NA>
## 79                                                            May <NA>
## 80                                                            Jun <NA>
## 81                                                            Jul <NA>
## 82                                                            Aug <NA>
## 83                                                            Sep <NA>
## 84                                                            Oct <NA>
## 85                                                            Nov <NA>
## 86                                                            Dec <NA>
## 87                                                           <NA> <NA>
## 88                                                          Ave * <NA>
## 89                                                              =    =
## 90                              * = Calendar year simple average. <NA>
## 91                                           N/A = Not available. <NA>
##      Col3      Col4               Col5   Col6   Col7   Col8   Col9
## 12  32.00     31.75              31.75  36.25  27.25  27.75  38.50
## 13  32.75     32.25              31.50  36.50  29.25  34.00  38.00
## 14  35.50     33.25              34.00  36.50  30.00  36.00  37.50
## 15  35.25     33.75              33.88  35.75  30.50  38.50  37.50
## 16  35.25     34.25              34.50  36.00  30.75  39.50  38.00
## 17  34.75     34.25              34.50  36.50  31.25  39.50  39.50
## 18  35.00     35.50              34.50  36.75  31.75  40.50  40.50
## 19  35.00     35.50              34.50  36.75  31.75  41.50  40.50
## 20  34.25     35.25              34.25  36.25  32.88  44.50  40.50
## 21  34.25     35.50              34.25  36.12  33.00  49.50  39.75
## 22  34.25     35.75              34.25  36.75  34.50  50.50  39.50
## 23  34.50     36.00              35.50  36.00  34.75  50.50  39.50
## 24  34.50     37.00              35.50  36.25  34.75  51.75  39.00
## 25  34.88     38.00              36.25  35.75  34.50  52.00  39.00
## 26  36.25     38.25              36.25  36.00  34.75  51.75  39.25
## 27  36.25     38.25              36.50  36.00  34.75  51.75  39.00
## 28  36.25     38.50              36.50  36.00  36.25  51.75  38.50
## 29  37.00     38.50              36.75  36.00  40.50  51.50  38.50
## 30  38.75     38.75              37.50  36.00  44.50  51.50  38.50
## 31  43.50     39.25              38.50  37.50  46.25  51.50  38.50
## 32  45.50     39.25              39.00  37.00  45.75  52.00  38.50
## 33  45.00     40.00              39.50  37.50  45.75  51.50  38.37
## 34  45.25     40.25              39.50  37.50  45.50  51.50  38.50
## 35  44.50     40.25              69.00  36.50  45.50  51.50  38.50
## 36  44.50     40.00              38.50  37.00  44.50  51.00  38.50
## 37  43.25     40.00              36.00  36.00  43.75  51.50  38.50
## 38  42.50     40.00              35.50  35.50  43.50  51.00  39.00
## 39  41.00     39.25               <NA>   <NA>  42.75  50.25  38.50
## 40  36.50     37.50               <NA>   <NA>  38.50  48.50  39.00
## 41   <NA>      <NA>               <NA>   <NA>  36.00  47.50  39.00
## 42  32.25     35.50               <NA>   <NA>  33.00  46.00  49.50
## 43  31.25     35.25              30.00  32.00  33.00  44.00  39.50
## 44  29.50     34.75               <NA>  29.00  31.00  43.00  39.50
## 45  28.25     31.00               <NA>   <NA>  29.50  37.00  39.50
## 46  25.25     30.50               <NA>   <NA>  28.50  33.00  39.50
## 47  23.50     28.88               <NA>   <NA>  29.00   <NA>   <NA>
## 48  23.75     28.75              24.00  25.00  29.00  31.00  40.50
## 49  22.75     27.75              23.00  26.50  31.00  30.50  40.50
## 50  22.00     27.50              23.75  26.75  34.50  30.50  40.50
## 51  22.25     31.00              23.00  26.50  42.00  30.50  40.50
## 52  22.38     32.00              22.75  26.50  39.50  31.00  41.25
## 53  22.25     31.00              23.00  26.25  39.50  30.50  41.00
## 54  22.00     30.75              22.75  26.00  38.75  30.50  41.00
## 55  21.75     30.75              22.75  26.00  39.50  30.50  41.00
## 56  21.75     30.75              22.25  25.25  38.00  30.50  41.00
## 57  21.75     30.50              22.75  25.00  38.00  30.25  40.75
## 58  21.50     30.25              22.75  25.00  36.25  30.25  40.25
## 59  20.88     30.25               <NA>  23.00  36.50  30.00  40.00
## 60  20.25     30.00               <NA>  22.00  36.25  29.75  39.75
## 61  18.75     30.25               <NA>  22.00  35.50  29.00  39.25
## 62  18.25     28.75               <NA>  22.00  36.00  29.00  39.25
## 63  17.62     28.25               <NA>  22.00  35.50  28.25  38.25
## 64   <NA>      <NA>               <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
## 65      =         =                  =      =      =      =      =
## 66   <NA>      <NA>               <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
## 67   <NA>      <NA>                      <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
## 68   <NA>      <NA>               <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
## 69   <NA>      <NA>               <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
## 70      -         -                  -      -      -      -      -
## 71  Pinto Grt.Nort.               Pink  S_Red   Navy B_Lima L_lima
## 72      -         -                  -      -      -      -      -
## 73   <NA>      <NA>               <NA>   <NA>   <NA>  $/cwt   <NA>
## 74   <NA>      <NA>               <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
## 75  33.88     32.75              32.78  36.25  29.25  34.06  37.88
## 76  35.00     34.88              34.50  36.50  31.38  40.25  39.63
## 77  34.35     35.90              34.75  36.27  33.98  49.35  39.65
## 78  35.91     38.25              36.38  35.94  35.06  51.81  38.94
## 79  41.19     38.94              37.94  36.63  44.25  51.63  38.50
## 80  44.50     40.10              44.50  36.90  45.00  51.40  38.47
## 81  40.00     38.92              35.50  35.50  41.58  49.92  38.83
## 82  30.31     34.13              30.00  30.50  31.63  42.50  42.00
## 83  23.45     28.68              23.58  26.08  30.40  31.25  40.25
## 84  22.22     31.19              22.88  26.31  39.94  30.63  40.94
## 85  21.69     30.56              22.63  25.31  37.94  30.38  40.75
## 86  19.15     29.50                 --  22.20  35.95  29.20  39.30
## 87   <NA>      <NA>               <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
## 88 $31.80    $34.48             $32.31 $32.03 $36.36 $41.03 $39.59
## 89      =         =                  =      =      =      =      =
## 90   <NA>      <NA>               <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
## 91   <NA>      <NA>               <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   <NA>
##       Col10              Col11  Col12    Col13 Col14
## 12    26.75              33.25  31.50    37.00  <NA>
## 13    27.25              33.25  32.00    37.00  <NA>
## 14    28.50              33.50  32.75    37.00  <NA>
## 15    30.50              33.50  34.00    37.00  <NA>
## 16    31.00              33.50  34.25    37.50  <NA>
## 17    31.50              34.00  34.25    37.50  <NA>
## 18    31.25              34.25  34.50    37.50  <NA>
## 19    31.75              34.75  34.50    40.00  <NA>
## 20    32.75              34.75  34.25    41.00  <NA>
## 21    33.50              35.50  34.25    41.00  <NA>
## 22    33.50              36.75  34.25    41.00  <NA>
## 23    33.50              37.50  34.25    41.50  <NA>
## 24    33.25              37.75  34.25    41.50  <NA>
## 25    33.25              38.00  34.25    41.00  <NA>
## 26    33.25              38.00  34.25    42.00  <NA>
## 27    33.25              38.00  34.25    43.50  <NA>
## 28    33.00              38.50  34.00    44.00  <NA>
## 29    32.75              42.50  34.00    44.00  <NA>
## 30    32.75              52.25  34.25    44.50  <NA>
## 31    32.75              52.50  35.00    44.50  <NA>
## 32    32.75              52.50  35.50    44.50  <NA>
## 33    33.50              52.50  38.00    44.50  <NA>
## 34    35.50              52.50  39.00    44.50  <NA>
## 35    37.50              50.50  39.50    44.50  <NA>
## 36    40.62              50.50  39.50    44.50  <NA>
## 37    40.50              50.00  39.50    44.50  <NA>
## 38    39.50              49.00  39.50    46.00  <NA>
## 39    39.00              49.50  38.50    45.00  <NA>
## 40    37.75               <NA>  38.25    44.75  <NA>
## 41    37.50              47.00  38.00    44.50  <NA>
## 42    36.25               <NA>  37.50    44.50  <NA>
## 43    34.50               <NA>  36.00    46.00  <NA>
## 44    32.50               <NA>  34.00    46.00  <NA>
## 45    32.00               <NA>  32.50    46.00  <NA>
## 46    31.50               <NA>  33.50    46.00  <NA>
## 47     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 48    29.50               <NA>  31.25    46.00  <NA>
## 49    28.50               <NA>  30.25    46.00  <NA>
## 50    28.00              36.75  31.50    46.00  <NA>
## 51    28.25              44.50  32.50    46.00  <NA>
## 52    28.25              43.00  33.50    46.00  <NA>
## 53    28.25              42.75  32.50    47.50  <NA>
## 54    28.25              42.25  32.00    47.50  <NA>
## 55    28.50              42.25  31.50    48.00  <NA>
## 56    29.00              42.00  31.25    50.00  <NA>
## 57    29.50              41.75  32.00    50.00  <NA>
## 58    29.50              41.75  32.50    50.00  <NA>
## 59    29.75              41.75  32.50    50.00  <NA>
## 60    29.75              41.00  32.00    50.00  <NA>
## 61    29.75              39.50  32.00    50.00  <NA>
## 62    39.75              39.50  31.50    50.00  <NA>
## 63    39.75              39.50  31.50    50.00  <NA>
## 64     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 65        =                  =      =        =      
## 66     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 67     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 68     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 69     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 70        -                  -      -        -  <NA>
## 71 Blackeye            S_White Kidney Garbanzo  <NA>
## 72        -                  -      -        -  <NA>
## 73     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 74     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 75    28.25              33.38  32.56    37.00  <NA>
## 76    31.38              34.13  34.38    38.13  <NA>
## 77    33.30              36.45  34.25    41.20  <NA>
## 78    33.19              38.13  34.19    42.63  <NA>
## 79    32.75              49.94  34.69    44.38  <NA>
## 80    37.52              51.20  39.10    44.50  <NA>
## 81    38.75              49.25  38.75    45.25  <NA>
## 82    33.81                 --  35.00    45.63  <NA>
## 83    29.38              36.75  31.63    46.00  <NA>
## 84    28.25              43.13  32.63    46.75  <NA>
## 85    29.13              41.94  31.81    49.50  <NA>
## 86    33.75              40.25  31.90    50.00  <NA>
## 87     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 88   $32.45             $41.32 $34.24   $44.25  <NA>
## 89        =                  =      =        =  <NA>
## 90     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
## 91     <NA>               <NA>   <NA>     <NA>  <NA>
dealer_price_list[[1]] = dealer_price_list[[1]][-c(64:100),-14]
colnames(dealer_price_list[[1]]) = c("Month", "Day", "Pinto", "Grt_Northern", "Pink", "Sm_Red", "Navy", "B_Lima", "L_Lima", "Blackeye",
                                     "Small_White", "Kidney", "Garbanzo")
## Observations: 63
## Variables: 13
## $ Month        <chr> "1", "1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "2", "2", "3", "3",...
## $ Day          <chr> "6", "13", "20", "27", "3", "10", "18", "24", "3"...
## $ Pinto        <chr> "32.00", "32.75", "35.50", "35.25", "35.25", "34....
## $ Grt_Northern <chr> "31.75", "32.25", "33.25", "33.75", "34.25", "34....
## $ Pink         <chr> "31.75", "31.50", "34.00", "33.88", "34.50", "34....
## $ Sm_Red       <chr> "36.25", "36.50", "36.50", "35.75", "36.00", "36....
## $ Navy         <chr> "27.25", "29.25", "30.00", "30.50", "30.75", "31....
## $ B_Lima       <chr> "27.75", "34.00", "36.00", "38.50", "39.50", "39....
## $ L_Lima       <chr> "38.50", "38.00", "37.50", "37.50", "38.00", "39....
## $ Blackeye     <chr> "26.75", "27.25", "28.50", "30.50", "31.00", "31....
## $ Small_White  <chr> "33.25", "33.25", "33.50", "33.50", "33.50", "34....
## $ Kidney       <chr> "31.50", "32.00", "32.75", "34.00", "34.25", "34....
## $ Garbanzo     <chr> "37.00", "37.00", "37.00", "37.00", "37.50", "37....

Look at how nice that looks! Now it’s time to iterate through all the dataframes. You may be thinking to yourself, “Hey, why don’t you do that with a loop, or with lapply?”. That’s a great idea… except that dataframes vary in their content. Manual brute-force it is.

Let’s skip ahead a bit - with a bit more munging and cleaning, we end up with a very nice long-format dataframe, that you can find here.

Or alternatively:

dealer_price_long = read_csv(file = "")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   date = col_date(format = ""),
##   Class = col_character(),
##   Price = col_double()
## )
## # A tibble: 23,984 x 3
##    date       Class Price
##    <date>     <chr> <dbl>
##  1 1981-01-06 Pinto  32  
##  2 1981-01-13 Pinto  32.8
##  3 1981-01-20 Pinto  35.5
##  4 1981-01-27 Pinto  35.2
##  5 1981-02-03 Pinto  35.2
##  6 1981-02-10 Pinto  34.8
##  7 1981-02-18 Pinto  35  
##  8 1981-02-24 Pinto  35  
##  9 1981-03-03 Pinto  34.2
## 10 1981-03-10 Pinto  34.2
## # ... with 23,974 more rows

Also note that this is in tibble format now. Thanks, Hadley. :)


This is a great start. We went from an awful Excel Workbook to a slim and trim tidy dataframe with ~24,000 entries of bean prices from 1981-2010 - this is going to be a big chunk of the data we end up splitting into training and test sets down the road for Machine Learning.

A small aside - there was a bunch of munging and cleaning involved between some of the steps above. If you’re interested in a deeper dive into what was entailed, check out the full source code - it’s pretty well annotated and can give you a nice look at things.
