Class Market Share - A better visualization
Better viz
Anna Cates, a blog reader and soil ecologist working at the University of Wisconsin-Madison had a great suggestion for visualizing market-share change over time for different varietals - the stacked bar chart! I thought I’d write a brief post with some code!
#importing the master data set we've been working with
bean_master_import = read_csv(file = "")
bean_master_import_bar = bean_master_import %>%
mutate(month = month(date),
class = factor(class)) %>%
group_by(year, month, class) %>%
summarize(monthly_mean_market_share = mean(class_market_share))
#Making a new column of just the beginning of each month, since we're binning by month
beg_month_date = paste(bean_master_import_bar$year, bean_master_import_bar$month, rep(1, length(bean_master_import_bar$year)), sep = "-")
bean_master_import_bar$beg_month_date = ymd(beg_month_date)
#Filtering to get rid of some of the noise
bean_master_import_bar %>%
filter(monthly_mean_market_share < 0.25) %>%
ggplot( aes(x = beg_month_date, y = monthly_mean_market_share, fill = class)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "fill", width = 200) +
theme_classic() +
ylab("Percentage Market Share") +
Nice! This is a much more informative way to view the data - we can easily see trends over time more clearly than with the loess-smoothed trends in the previous post.
A couple of notes:
- We have some gaps in our data at 1992 - I’ll need to go back and look at the original data frame to see what is going on there.
- I’ve manually set the width parameter here so there is some overlap in bars - this helps smooth out the graph - overall, trends are the same, and easier to read/visualize when there isn’t jitter or small white gaps.
- One way around these issues might be to bin in larger time-chunks - perhaps every 3 months instead of every month - I didn’t do that here, but it would be a nice challenge!